The Harry Potter series is full of vibrant and compelling characters, but none are as beloved as what author J.K. Rowling calls "the big seven." Aside from the Golden Trio (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) and Silver Trio (Ginny, Luna, and Neville), the list also includes an often-polarizing character — Draco Malfoy.

Arrogant and cunning, Draco spent most of Harry Potter bullying others before giving himself over to Voldemort's cause and changing completely in the process. While many dislike him for his cruel and petty taunting, there's no denying that Harry's rival is as quick-witted as they come and has given fans some of the best quotes in the saga.

10 "The Dementors Send Their Love, Potter!"

Draco Malfoy

Aside from introducing Harry's godfather and setting Harry Potter's main plot in motion, The Prisoner of Azkaban also gave fans a fright in the form of Dementors, the hooded, eyeless creatures who feed on people's emotions and guard the wizarding prison. Harry was particularly susceptible to their magic, which led to him hearing his mother's voice and fainting in the process.

Always ready to make fun of him, Draco and his gang of Slytherins immediately began mocking Harry by putting their hoods up and pretending to be Dementors at every opportunity they got. Eventually, Harry learned to cast a Patronus and accidentally used it on a disguised Malfoy, who gave up on his taunts thereon.

9 "Honestly, Goyle, If You Were Any Slower, You'd Be Going Backwards."

Draco Malfoy

Since his first year, Draco surrounded himself with two of the biggest — and in Harry's words, stupidest — Slytherins in his year, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Despite hanging out with them often, Draco always seemed to consider them his inferiors and regularly remarked on their dullness, especially when he thought no one could hear him.

In The Chamber of Secrets, when Harry took Polyjuice Potion and transformed into Goyle, he had a conversation with Draco about Azkaban that made the latter momentarily suspicious. After a moment, Draco simply attributed Harry's lapse to Goyle's slow disposition and moved on without noticing anything was amiss with his supposed friend.

8 "My Father And I Have A Bet You See. I Don't Think You're Gonna Last Ten Minutes In This Tournament. He Disagrees — He Thinks You Won't Last Five."

Malfoy Crabbe Goyle

Harry becoming the unexpected, fourth Triwizard Tournament champion gave Draco the perfect excuse to launch a school-wide hate campaign against his biggest rival. Aside from taunting Harry as per usual, Draco also began sporting a "POTTER STINKS" badge that proved to be popular with all houses except Gryffindor, which had loyally stuck by Harry's side.

On one memorable occasion, Draco confronted Harry on the Hogwarts grounds and told him about a bet he and his father had about his performance in the competition. Draco then pulled his wand out to attack Harry while he had his back to him. Moody, who had been passing by, happened to witness this and Transfigured Malfoy into a ferret — a traumatizing experience for the Slytherin that made him the laughingstock of the school for the very first time.

7 "No One Asked Your Opinion, You Filthy Little Mudblood!"

Draco Malfoy

Born into one of the oldest and so-called "purest" wizarding families in Britain, Draco grew up with a superiority complex that often got him into trouble with the Golden Trio. While he absolutely despised Harry and often made fun of Ron, it was Hermione Draco targeted the most, insulting her at every opportunity for being Muggle-born.

The first time he called her a "mudblood" was during The Chamber of Secrets when Hermione suggested that Draco's father had bought him a place in the Slytherin Quidditch team rather than allow him to get in on his own talent. The pejorative caused an uproar and introducedHarry Potter fans to one of the most important conflicts in the series.

6 "Red Hair And A Hand-Me-Down Robe? You Must Be A Weasley."

Draco Malfoy

Aside from reveling in his pureblood status, Draco also never missed a moment to flaunt his wealth as a symbol of power. He particularly enjoyed using this fact against Ron, who, despite being a pureblood wizard like Draco, belonged to a large family who had little social standing and constantly struggled to make ends meet.

Upon their first meeting on the Hogwarts Express, Draco couldn't help but call attention to Ron's fiery ginger hair and pre-owned clothes, quickly identifying him as a Weasley. From that moment on, he would continue taunting Ron for the Weasleys' lack of gold throughout their school years, only stopping after the Second Wizarding War.

5 "You'll Soon Find Out That Some Wizarding Families Are Better Than Others, Potter. You Don't Wanna Go Making Friends With The Wrong Sort. I Can Help You There."

Draco Malfoy

Influenced by his father's social-climbing tactics, Draco first approached Harry with friendship in mind, offering to show him the ways of the wizarding community that he had yet to learn. Harry's utter refusal immediately made Draco rethink his strategy and come to regard him as his one true rival.

Draco and Harry's antagonism would slowly transform from petty remarks to outright bullying and later a bitter enmity once Draco had joined the Death Eaters in Half-Blood Prince. Despite their less than amicable school years, the two eventually left their shared past behind once their sons, Scorpius and Albus, became best friends.

4 "Longbottom, If Brains Were Gold, You'd Be Poorer Than Weasley, And That's Saying Something."

Draco Malfoy

Shy and insecure, Neville was often on the receiving end of mockery, pranks, and bullying during his time at Hogwarts. His nervous demeanor made him an easy target for mean-spirited people like Draco and Snape, who never hesitated to call him useless, dumb, and untalented just to bring him down.

After approaching Neville, Ron, and Hermione during a Quidditch match in The Sorcerer's Stone, Draco proceeded to mock the first two for their intelligence and poverty, respectively. While Neville attempted to defend himself, he wouldn't gain enough self-confidence until joining Dumbledore's Army and later leading them in The Deathly Hallows.

3 "This Class Is Ridiculous..."

Draco Malfoy

The Prisoner of Azkaban introduced one of the best professors Hogwarts had seen in years — Remus Lupin. While most students enjoyed his classes, for they were full of exciting dark creatures and useful information, the same couldn't be said for the Slytherins, who were bound to hate a shabby and humble man like Lupin.

Draco and his gang, in particular, seemed to find Lupin's teachings unworthy of their time. When the Defense professor introduced Boggarts and taught them the incantation to get rid of them, Draco responded by calling the class "ridiculous" and sharing a look of disdain with Crabbe.

2 "You're Gonna Regret This! You And Your Bloody Chicken!"

Draco Malfoy

Draco had never really shown Hagrid the respect he deserved since he arrived at Hogwarts, but things took a turn for the worst when the latter became his Care of Magical Creatures teacher during his third year. For his first lesson ever, Hagrid decided to introduce his new class to Buckbeak the hippogriff, somehow not anticipating that it would turn into a disaster.

Arrogant as per usual, Draco ignored Hagrid's warnings and insulted the creature, who retaliated by leaving a deep scratch on his arm. As Hagrid picked him up and made his way to the hospital wing, Draco made sure to let everyone know that Hagrid and 'his bloody chicken' would get what they deserved.

1 "My Father Will Hear About This!"

Draco and Lucius

Throughout Harry Potter, it was made quite clear that not only did Draco love his father dearly, but he also looked up to him and frequently sought his approval. He admired Lucius' power within magical society, the Ministry of Magic, and even the Death Eaters, and frequently brought him up whenever he lost an argument or was humiliated.

While the exact quote has only appeared once (after Draco was transformed into a ferret in TheGoblet of Fire), similar ones have appeared throughout most of the books and the movies, making it Draco's most iconic and recognizable phrase. Over the years, it has become synonymous with the character and remains one of the most quotable lines in Harry Potter.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Characters Who Were Left Out Of The Movies