Harry Guinness
How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phoneHarry Guinness

Harry Guinness is a photography expert and writer with nearly a decade of feel. His work has been published in newspapers like The New York Times and on a variety of other websites, from Lifehacker to Popular Scientific discipline and Medium's OneZero. Read more than.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Facebook is a popular platform for sharing photos, even though it's not a very good one. They prioritize fast loading images over high quality ones. You can't cease information technology from happening, but you lot tin minimize the quality loss.

In the image above, you can meet a side-by-side close up of the original photograph and the version that's on Facebook. The difference is noticeable. And Facebook is going to make some changes to pretty much any photo you upload in society to shrink them so they load faster. At that place'southward nothing y'all tin can practise to totally end this—if y'all want a loftier quality photo sharing site, check out something like 500px—but you can at least minimize the drop in quality when you upload pictures. Let's look at how.

What Does Facebook Do to Your Photos?

In Facebook's ain words, when you upload an image, they "automatically resize and format your photos" so they'll display properly on the site and in the apps. For example, if someone posts a single photo as a status update, that photo shows upwards on your News Feed with a resolution of 476 pixels wide past a maximum of 714px tall. Unless yous upload your photograph at that exact resolution, Facebook needs to do some scaling. And if you lot do upload your photo at that resolution, it's going to look awful if someone clicks on it to see it zoomed in.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

To give you an idea of the sort of affair that happens if yous leave Facebook to it's own devices, I uploaded the photo above which is ii.7MB and has a resolution of 5166 by 3444 pixels. When I downloaded it again from Timeline, it had a resolution of 960 by 640 pixels and was just 74 KB in size.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

When I went into my Photos collection on Facebook, I was able to catch a 1938 past 1292 pixel version that was 348KB, but even that represents some seriously aggressive optimizing!

How to Brand Your Photos Look Better on Facebook

Let'southward brand one affair clear; your photos are never going to wait objectively bang-up on Facebook. You tin can, withal, take steps to brand them wait meliorate.

First, yous demand to upload them in the correct size. This minimizes how much resizing Facebook does. Plus, when you lot adapt your own photos, you have the selection of doing a little cropping instead of resizing. Facebook recommends three sizes: 720 pixels, 960 pixels, and 2048 pixels wide. For photos, nosotros tin safely ignore the two smaller options; they're only ludicrously small. That leaves us with 1 ideal size: 2048 pixels wide.

Adjacent, you desire to upload photos in the right color space. Facebook uses sRGB—the standard color profile for most displays. The skillful news is, y'all probably don't take to change much here. sRGB is the color space used for 99% of JPEGs. If y'all accept a photo with your smartphone or consign one you take with your DSLR from Photoshop, Lightroom, or any major editing app, it's going to be in the sRGB color space.

Realistically, if you have images that aren't in the sRGB color space, you probably made a deliberate decision at some betoken to use something with a wider colour gamut and know what you're doing. You can cheque what color space a photo is using past viewing its metadata. You can meet hither that the selfie I shot with my iPhone is in sRGB, so I don't need to change anything.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

If you do have an image in a non-sRGB color infinite, you can either let Facebook accept care of the conversion, or open the epitome in your paradigm editor of option and relieve information technology using the default JPEG settings. Every bit yous can see beneath, Photoshop's defaults automatically convert the color profile to sRGB.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Through a bit of experimenting, I've found that Facebook compresses the highest quality versions of your images to just under 500 KB. Unfortunately, even when I uploaded photos that roughshod under this limit, Facebook withal compressed the image. In fact, they compressed information technology fifty-fifty more than when I uploaded the 2.4 MB version. For this reason, rather than shrink images yourself, nosotros recommend uploading the highest quality JPEG yous can.

Finally, Facebook has two separate qualities of uploads: Normal Quality and High Quality. Normal Quality is used for almost everything (posting an prototype every bit a Status Update or Profile Motion picture, for example). Loftier Quality is only available when you upload images to a photo album.

If you're serious well-nigh having the highest quality images possible on Facebook, the best thing to do is upload your images to a photo album, and and then share them from there. When you add images to an album, to upload them in High Quality, make certain the "High Quality" option is enabled. Y'all can also set information technology to the default on your smartphone.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

If you follow all these steps, while we tin't guarantee your photos will look expert, they'll at least look improve than if yous go out Facebook to its own devices.

A Note On Cover Photos

Cover photos (the image that appears at the summit of your Timeline) are a chip of a special case. While all the tips in a higher place notwithstanding apply, the exact values you should utilize alter.

For the highest quality cover photo, you want to upload an epitome that is 851 pixels wide. If yous don't want information technology cropped on your profile, you need to have the image be 315 pixels alpine as well.

Facebook too compresses cover photos to less than 100 KB. If yous upload an image that'south less than 100 KB in size, it won't be compressed at all.

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How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone Harry Guinness
Harry Guinness is a photography expert and author with nearly a decade of experience. His work has been published in newspapers like The New York Times and on a variety of other websites, from Lifehacker to Popular Science and Medium'south OneZero.
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If you use Facebook, y'all've probably uploaded a picture at some indicate. While Facebook is swell for sharing, information technology likewise uses some pretty ruthless compression (compared to other sites, anyway) that makes your pictures expect similar crap. Here's how to prevent that from happening.

How Facebook Ruins Your Images

Facebook is huge. An estimated 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day. That's a lot of information for them to store, and then to lighten the load, Facebook compresses your images. This makes them smaller in size, only information technology can also ruin image quality. More often than not, this isn't a huge deal, but when an image gets passed around the cyberspace, downloaded, shared, and reuploaded to a agglomeration of different services, it can get pretty nasty.

For example, let's take a look at this Strong Bad email screenshot. To get a sense of how bad the image pinch can be, I uploaded the screenshot, downloaded the resulting file, and then re-uploaded the already compressed version. After 5 times through the upload procedure, this is what we got:

Target breakouts and wrinkles at the same time
Each item is likewise gratuitous of all possible pore-cloggers and contains zero hormone disruptors.

As you can see, information technology doesn't take much for the image to start looking crappy. Strong Bad's whole head looks blocky, and the ketchup all over his computer is fifty-fifty messier than information technology was before. In my testing, I found that this was around the threshold that Facebook'south pinch alone didn't make much of a difference.

You lot can also see how this compression affects text as well. In the image below, you tin can see that any area effectually text starts becoming blocky, noisy, and faded:

Of course, the problem compounds when an already crummy image is taken out of Facebook, modified slightly, and re-uploaded to become through the whole process again. This happens on the internet all the time. Person A says something funny on Twitter. Person B takes a screenshot and uploads it to Facebook. Person C so downloads that image, shares it to Tumblr and adds a comment. Person D takes a new screenshot of the paradigm including the comment and sends it through Facebook Messenger to Person E, who then saves the picture, uploads it to their ain Facebook timeline. At this point, it'south gone through Facebook's compression iii times, with a screenshot of a screenshot thrown in. It will likely look like crap.

Of course, Facebook isn't the only site that compresses images. Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and virtually any other site where you tin upload pictures volition utilise some level of compression. However, Facebook's compression seems to be more than ruthless than most sites. And once an paradigm is compressed to Facebook's level, it may be too small to trigger another site's compression. All the same, things like Instagram filters or screenshots can brand the epitome bigger, while including the old imperfections, introduce new ones, and beginning the process all over again.

When anybody is doing this every time they desire to move a moving-picture show from one identify to another, pictures can start to look like garbage really speedily. When you upload your own photos, they might await okay the first time, simply the more a picture gets passed effectually the internet, the more its quality can deteriorate.

What Y'all Can Do Almost It

Unfortunately, you lot can't turn off Facebook'southward pinch. However, there are a few ways to minimize the issue. In some cases, y'all can tweak your photos earlier uploading them to Facebook. You can also use split hosting to share photos without ever touching Facebook's servers.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Facebook is a great tool for sharing your images online with friends and family. Many of united states do this on a regular footing, just photographers will often find their images heavily compressed. Yous've probably uploaded a photo that looked fine on your figurer, but one time on Facebook it looked soft and non as adept!

This guide volition give y'all all the top tips for uploading images to Facebook and retaining as much quality as possible. I will cover optimum sizes, file types and other tips for getting the most out of your image.

Want to improve your social media presence? Try The Photographer's Guide to Social Media Marketing

Why does Facebook make images lose quality?

To help fast webpage loading times for its users, Facebook compresses all images uploaded to information technology. Every bit this is washed automatically, your images are subjected to a default pinch, which more than likely does non suit them.

Facebook supports photos that are either 720px, 960px, or 2048px on their longest border. Any other sizes will have their dimensions reduced automatically, and this inevitably results in visually poorer images. Reducing the dimensions of an paradigm decreases its sharpness, particularly if it is a desperate resize.

Reducing Compression in JPEG Files

Facebook volition always compress your images, at that place'south no getting around that. Even so, there are some tricks to reducing the amount of pinch that occurs.

The most important factor is the dimensions of your paradigm. Make certain you upload your photo at exactly 2048px on its longest edge. Facebook won't change the dimensions of your image, and then at that place is a lot less file compression required and your photo remains sharp. If y'all aren't comfy uploading such a big file, then ensure that you lot upload a 960px longest edge photo instead.

Once you've resized the paradigm, look to run across if it appears sharp enough. Make sure you are viewing the image at 100% size in your editing software. If it looks soft having been resized, acuminate it a little.

Then, use Adobe Photoshop's "Save for Spider web" function. Ensure that the image is selected to shrink to a JPEG file at seventy% quality, whilst also converting information technology to an sRGB color contour. More detail near using this part can be found in our article "Preparing a Photo for Spider web Use".

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Does Information technology Actually Work?

Yes information technology does, and I was surprised at the degree to which it improves paradigm quality. Here is a comparing of a photograph uploaded at two unlike fix of settings.

I've cropped in on the puffin that is part of a larger photo so that you can see the details. The sample on the left was uploaded at an obscure size of 1096px longest edge using a colour profile of Adobe RGB (1998). Yous can see that the colours are lost slightly, peculiarly effectually the eye. The epitome loses sharpness drastically, also.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

The image on the right, nonetheless, was uploaded at 2048px longest side with an sRGB colour profile. I as well used the relieve for spider web office, every bit mentioned to a higher place, saving at seventy% JPEG quality.

As yous tin can encounter, the epitome looks a lot better for it. The colours are stronger, and reflect those of the original file. You can see crimson details around the eye and pecker more clearly. The clarity and sharpness of the image is also still there.

/>The Benefits of Using PNG Files

What Facebook won't tell you, is that yous can upload a PNG file at any size you wish and reach a similar effect. Don't forget to convert it to sRGB equally well, but yous aren't restricted on your dimensions this mode.

To do this, just save your photo as a PNG file using your editing software. You tin can also use the "Relieve for Web" function in Photoshop for this by selecting PNG-24 from the driblet down listing.

If yous want to export PNG files straight from Lightroom, we have written a tutorial that shows yous how to enable that part.

Some photographers argue that PNG produces even meliorate results than JPEG. Then, try it out! Facebook doesn't mention this, strangely enough, but information technology is some other great manner to get your images looking good online.

Information technology'southward Never Going to Be Perfect

One thing that yous need to keep in heed is that viewers oasis't seen your original, high-resolution file. You, on the other hand, have.

This means that you are of course going to exist comparing how your image looks to how the very large, full resolution original looks on your computer. Consequently, things appear to exist worse than they actually are (most of the time).

Ensure that you are giving yourself some tolerance for the fact that yous're uploading a compressed image in the offset place. Think about how you expect at other photographers' images online – they are virtually probable feeling just like you nearly online compression.

In reality, though, yous view their images thinking they look great. They may argue otherwise, but on social media websites it'south all near how the viewer perceives the paradigm in the beginning identify.


Then as you tin can see, images don't take to wait horribly compressed every bit soon every bit you upload them to Facebook. Just follow the steps above, and yous'll be wishing you knew this earlier!

Here is a summary of what I've covered, in 4 quick and easy steps.

  1. Resize your prototype to 2048px on its longest edge.
  2. Utilise the "Save for Web" function, and select 70% JPEG quality.
  3. Make sure the file is converted to the sRGB colour profile.
  4. Upload it to Facebook, and make certain you tick "high quality" if y'all are given the choice (usually simply for uploading albums).

Or, try using PNG files, as mentioned higher up!

Recall, if yous're uploading images online you lot may desire to protect them. We've written instructions for how to find websites that are using your photos without permission – make sure to read this! It can throw up some very interesting results.

WhatsApp is known to use ambitious pinch algorithms to reduce the size of shared media (photos, video) to save bandwidth. The outcome may not impact users in day-to-day use, just in some specific scenarios, the original quality of the image or video is often desired.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

In this commodity, we'll explore how to send photos and videos in their original quality without compression on WhatsApp from iPhone and Android.

Send high-quality photos, videos on WhatsApp without pinch

If you want to featherbed WhatsApp's aggressive compression and send media (photos, video, audio) in total resolution, the official workaround is to send the media files as Certificate. When you lot send whatever photograph, video, or audio as a Certificate on WhatsApp, it retains the actual size and bypasses WhatsApp'southward pinch.

The below sections will guide you to send photos, videos on WhatsApp equally Documents on iPhone and Android.

Ship a photo or video equally a Document from an Android device

To send a photo or video as a Document on WhatsApp from an Android device, do the following:

  1. Open WhatsApp, and go to the chat where you want to share the photograph or video.
  2. Tap on the paper clip icon from the lesser-correct corner, and choose the Certificate option.
  3. Scan and select the media file that y'all want to share. If you don't encounter it in the list, tap on "Browse other docs…", and select the media from the desired location.
  4. Finally, hit Send.

The photo or video will be shared in their original quality to the selected contact.

Send a photo or video every bit a Document from iPhone

The process to send a photo or video every bit a Certificate on WhatsApp from iPhone is pretty similar to that from an Android device. To do so, the media that yous desire to share should exist located in the Files app instead of the Photos library.

  1. If the video is in your Photos library, go to the Photos app, select the video, tap on Share from the bottom-left corner, and choose the Save to Files pick.
  2. Open WhatsApp on iPhone and select the chat where yous want to share the large video.
  3. Tap on the "+" push button from the bottom-left corner and choose Document. You'll be taken to the Files view, where yous tin browse and select the specific video that you saved earlier.
  4. Tap on Send from the top-correct corner to share the video.

The selected photograph or video volition be sent to the desired contact as a Document in its original quality.

How to ship better quality photos on WhatsApp

WhatsApp has rolled out a new update that now gives users the choice to choose between more compression (Data saver) or more than quality (Best quality) while uploading photos.

The "Data saver" fashion still uses WhatsApp's older compression technique that noticeably reduces photo quality while sending. On the other hand, the "All-time quality" mode uses a newer, less ambitious compression technique that retains almost of the original quality of the image.

While the Document type even so provides the best option to share photos, videos without any quality loss, the new "Best quality" selection provides a decent culling for quickly sharing photos without compromising much on the quality.

To enable the Best quality fashion for sharing photos on WhatsApp practise the post-obit:

  1. Open up WhatsApp Settings (Android: Tap on the three dots in the top-correct corner from the Chats screen; iOS: Tap on the Settings tab from the bottom of the screen).
  2. Get to Storage and Information.
  3. On Android, tap on the "Photo upload quality" under the "Media upload quality" section. On iOS, but tap on Media Upload Quality.
  4. Choose All-time quality for Photos.
  5. Tap on OK to confirm, if you lot're on Android.

From at present on, whenever you transport a photograph on WhatsApp, the recipient(s) will receive a improve quality epitome that is closer to the original in quality.

Thus, you tin send bodily size photos or video on WhatsApp without compressing them, or apply the "All-time quality" setting to send better quality photos from iPhone and Android.

Does sending photos and videos on WhatsApp reduce quality?

If you ship photos and videos normally through WhatsApp, past choosing the "Photograph & Video Library" selection while choosing an attachment type, the app volition compress them to optimize size and bandwidth.

How can I send WhatsApp images without losing quality?

You can send full resolution images without losing quality by sending them as documents instead of photos. When you want to share an image in a WhatsApp conversation, choose the "Document" option instead of the usual "Photo & Video Library" selection. You can acquire more than about the process past reading this article.

How can I transport more than xxx photos on WhatsApp?

Normally, when you share photos and videos on WhatsApp, you cannot share more than than 30 photos at once. However, you lot can share more than 30 photos in full resolution, by compressing them together in a ZIP file, and then sending information technology as a "Certificate".

How do I send a high quality video on WhatsApp?

To send an uncompressed video on WhatsApp, tap on the plus icon on a particular chat and select "Document" (instead of "Photo & Video Library") and proceed with adding the videos that you want to share. The maximum size per file allowed on WhatsApp is 100MB.

How can I send big video on WhatsApp iPhone?

Yous can send simply about any large file on WhatsApp, as long as it is less than 100MB. The "Document" blazon in WhatsApp attachments lets you share photos, videos, music, Word & PDF files, compressed Zip files, and more, from your Android or iOS device. When y'all want to share the video, make sure you choose the "Certificate" option instead of the usual "Photo & Video Library" choice. Read this article for more than information.

What is the video size limit for WhatsApp?

Usually, the allowed size limit for sharing videos on WhatsApp is 16MB. However, when yous share a video every bit a "Document" on WhatsApp, the maximum size allowed per file is 100MB.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

After upgrading my phone and switching over to iOS, I began uploading videos and photos to Facebook using the app itself… but to discover out that it was not uploading my files in high-definition quality at all.

In instance you didn't know, by default, your app is set to Non upload them in HD unless you specifically turn it on. The good news is that it's really easy to practise so.

Simply become into your Facebook Settings, locate Videos and Photos, and so turn on the Upload HD setting for both photos and videos.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

As a bonus, you lot can also terminate videos from auto-playing here in this department!

Enabling the setting is but as easy if you lot're using Facebook's app on an Android device (Facebook enabled HD photos on Android in March 2016):

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Savour sharing your high-quality photos on Facebook!

Nigh the writer: Pratik Naik is a photo retoucher specializing in commercial and editorial work. To see his work, head over to his website or give him a follow on Instagram and Facebook. This post originally appeared hither.

Exercise you find that your Snapchat video gets blurry and uploads videos that are in a lower quality than your telephone is capable of producing, despite them appearing in a higher resolution in your camera feed? Don't worry, this commodity will explicate how y'all tin can retain the all-time resolution of video and gear up blurry Snapchat videos.
How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Why Are Snapchat Videos Blurry?

If you are wondering why Snapchat ruins video quality, you are not alone, this is a very common. Subsequently using your Snapchat login, and going to the Snapchat settings, you will observe that there is no High Definition selection when you gear up the default video quality on Snapchat, in that location is just standard or depression. This is because Snapchat uses various compression techniques when you upload your videos in guild to salvage time – the more than compressed the video is, the less fourth dimension it takes to upload, and to save money – the smaller the file size, the less bandwidth information technology consumes.
How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Unfortunately, the compression is lossy, meaning that the video will take a lower quality later information technology is compressed and uploaded, and make the video quality poorer.

How To Fix Blurry Snapchat Videos

In that location are several possible solutions to fixing blurry Snapchat videos:

Endeavor to compress the video yourself by reducing its duration or by using software or a tool, similar Google Squoosh as explained in this article, to reduce its definition to something you notice "acceptable".

Effort to upload your video or prototype over a WiFi connection rather than a 3G/4G or even 5G connection.

Be absolutely sure that the video or epitome is non simply blurry and out of focus, by using these photography tips on how to accept good Instagram photos, and in this guide on how to upload high quality photos to Instagram. Whilst these articles refer to Instagram, the aforementioned principles use for Snapchat.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

If you are unable to retake a specific photo that you want to upload and want to clear up a blurry photograph, read this article on how to right blurry photos for costless, after having taken them.

Bank check that you aren't using a Snapchat filter that creates blur or distortion deliberately in your photos.

Have a expect here for other Snapchat content, such as how to delete snapchat account.
Photo: Unsplash

You might have noticed some of the videos yous upload to TikTok don't always await great. If you call up the respond is that you demand a DSLR, you're wrong. The blurriness, pixelation, and overall bad quality that can happen in your uploaded videos is probably non your smartphone's error — it might be considering y'all aren't uploading your videos in Hd.

Ideally, TikTok would let users upload videos in loftier-definition by default, just it doesn't. The reasons may be valid, such as quicker upload speeds, faster loading times, and data conservation, but if you desire your videos to expect better, yous should turn on high-definition uploads. Fortunately, TikTok has an piece of cake setting to enable HD videos when uploading; only information technology's a somewhat hidden setting.

  • Don't Miss: 14 Tips Every New TikTok User Should Know About

Step 1: Get Your Video Set

In the TikTok app, tap on the plus (+) icon in the navigation bar at the bottom to start the uploading procedure. Next, record a video or upload an existing one as you unremarkably would. Subsequently that, you can add text, animations, filters, and other furnishings if wanted. When your video is all set up, tap on "Side by side" in the bottom correct to head to the Postal service settings.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Stride 2: Toggle the HD Setting On

In the Post settings, add a caption and hashtags and configure whatever of the privacy settings yous see, if necessary — all the stuff you would normally do. But before you hitting that "Postal service" button, at that place's one more matter to do.

Tap on "More Options" at the lesser and toggle the "Upload HD" on, which should be off by default. One time this option is enabled, it stays on, so y'all won't need to do this every time you lot upload a video. You can then go back and tap on "Postal service" to upload the video to your profile.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone alt="This Subconscious Setting Is the Trick to Uploading HD Videos on Your TikTok Profile" width="532″ height="532″ />

Step 3: View Your High-Definition Video

Depending on the video'south length and size, it might have some fourth dimension for it to process and upload. Once it's finished uploading, you can head to your profile to view your newly published loftier-definition video.

The highest resolution possible for TikTok uploads is 1080p, then if your video is shot in 4K resolution, it will scale it down to 1080p. Yet, that'south an improvement compared to keeping the "Upload HD" switch off and getting standard quality.

Your videos should at present wait ameliorate than before, but at that place may be other impediments (an old phone, low-res camera, scratches on the lenses, lighting, etc.) that tin can also affect quality, then keep that in heed.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

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Information technology is possible to Upload Hard disk drive video to Facebook. This article will give you iii methods to upload Hard disk video to Facebook using Android, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop PC.

Facebook, the most pop free social networking which is available in 37 different languages, includes public features. Information technology can be accessed from a big range of devices with Internet connectivity, such equally desktop computers, laptops and tablet computers, and smartphones.

It allows profiles, upload photos on Facebook and video, send messages, and keep in touch on with friends, family, and colleagues. More often than not, people adopt to Upload a video on Facebook as is a groovy way to share their favorite personal moments or just your new favorite video which they have seen with their friends who are on Facebook.

Hint: We recommend Wondershare Uniconverter to create Hard disk video or to convert video format to any other format. Our readers get a special 20% discount on UniConverter. Click Here to get a 20% discount on Wondershare UniConverter for Windows and Click Here for Mac.

Generally, nosotros download Videos from Facebook and upload. However, while uploading videos you may find the quality of the video as Facebook volition optimize the videos and reduce the size past default due to bandwidth Optimization and Depression Data usages. But, people prefer loftier HD quality video. If you are looking for how to Upload Hard disk drive Video To Facebook here are the complete details.

  • Related: All-time ways to download all your Facebook photos at one time

Table of Contents

How to Upload Hard disk Video to Facebook?

Accept you ever raised a question why tin't upload HD quality video on Facebook? Yeah, you lot can by using simple technics which you lot have to know. As by default Hard disk drive video option is disabled on your app which the user tin enable. However, Upload HD video on Facebook settings is device-specific i.e; it is a mobile application that y'all cannot use in the web version. Just you can employ loftier-quality video settings.

We accept provided the complete steps on how to upload the videos to Facebook in 2 minutes from your Desktop, Android, and iPhone,ipad. This fourth dimension we are going to bear witness you How to upload HD videos to Facebook.

ane. How to upload Hard disk drive video to Facebook through Android:

Video Tutorial:

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

  • Now Tap Videos and Photos, then enable the HD option for Videos and Photos.

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

3.Upload HD Video To Facebook in Desktop:

However, this option is least preferable, only what if yous take not owned a smartphone and are trying to go High-quality video on your web browser.

  • Open Facebook in your browser.
  • To upload college quality videos endeavour to add high-definition (Hard disk drive) videos.
  • Take intendance that your video is shorter as the length of the size may affect the video quality.
  • At present, upload.

Make certain that videos must be shorter than 120 minutes and the size must be 4 GB or less.

Wondershare UniConverter volition help you to convert and compress videos of any format. It will help you lot to compress your HD video file to reduce the file size without losing quality. You can also read Our Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate review.

  • Related: How to Compress Video file to reduce the file size

Simple right! Enjoy uploading HD videos at present. Do let us know if you take any queries regarding uploading in any of the methods. If you like this tutorial about How to Upload Hard disk drive video to Facebook, don't forget to share it. Desire more tips, Please follow whatvwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Ofttimes Asked Questions

Does Facebook reduce video quality?

Yes, they reduce the bit rate rather than resolution. It'due south the compressed video earlier you upload it.

Why is the video quality poor on Facebook?

Sometimes quality when sharing on Facebook can become pixelated or playback with low quality. To ensure your upload is of the highest quality make sure in the settings of Facebook, under Video Settings, "Upload Hard disk drive" is selected.

I tried to upload a video that is in Hard disk drive and it will only play in 240p

Catechumen your video in H.264 encoder at 1280x720p resolution and 4000kb bitrate and 16:9 and 30fps
Brand sure non exceed at 4000kb bitrate or else the video will non play at 720p. Facebook volition degrade it at 320p only
Use any kind of Video converter that can arrange bitrate settings.

Have you ever wondered why your photos look blurry once yous upload them to Facebook from your phone and how to fix it? This is especially frustrating if you are trying to use a photo for a contour picture, once cropped it becomes pixilated and blurry and just doesn't look like a high quality images anymore.

Facebook doesn't upload Hard disk versions of your prototype by default. This can exist fixed in settings and in one case you tell FB to upload Hard disk photos the photos are crisp and clear once more.

"Upload HD" option is off by default, only one time you turn information technology on it makes all the difference. See screenshots below. The photos were uploaded with "Upload HD On" and "Upload HD Off" and then zoomed in to show the difference. 🤯 Feel free to share and so we can all get rid of blurry photos. 😉

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Facebook Upload HD OFF vs Upload HD ON. Images look blurry when zoomed in with Upload Hd OFF just well-baked and clear with Upload HD ON.

Turn Upload HD on in Settings:

In the Facebook App on your phone, go to Settings & Privacy, click on Settings and so select Videos and Photos. From here you'll see the option to turn Upload HD on for both videos and photos. Plough information technology on and you are all set. No more blurry photos (well, unless your photograph is blurry to start with 😉 ).

How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone How to stop facebook from uploading low-quality photos and videos from your phone

Feel free to comment and permit me know if yous made these adjustments and if this resolved your blurry photo upshot on Facebook.