How Do You Know if Your Friend Likes You as Much as You Like Your Friend

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Friendship is honestly amazing. What could be better than having someone yous tin lean on in the tough times and celebrate with in the expert times?

Friendship is special, and sometimes it can concluding a lifetime, and it doesn't need to be romantic even when it's between ii attractive individuals.

When a human being and a woman are friends the bail tin can be deep and true.

From enjoying activities together to close conversations and sharing life communication, the friendship weathers almost every storm that life throws at it.

Except one.

The hurdle that many friendships tin can't cross is when one of y'all has feelings for the other – but both people aren't feeling it. The clumsiness and disappointment can sink fifty-fifty a long, cherished friendship.

Information technology tin too cause guys who may similar their female friend as more than "but a friend" to hesitate on opening up to her almost their romantic feelings, afraid that doing and so volition torpedo their valued platonic connectedness.

This guide is here for yous.

26 signs that she likes you equally more than a friend:

1) Read her trunk linguistic communication

This doesn't hateful annihilation creepy similar some circuitous Enigma code that involves analyzing her panties. It just means paying attention to how she moves and orients herself.

Does she twirl her hair, point her anxiety in your direction, have a flush in her cheeks and sometimes choke on her words a fleck?

These are all potential signs that she's attracted to you (or just ate too many Doritos). Either style, body linguistic communication is powerful.

If she likes you and you're observant, you'll notice.

ii) She responds to your body linguistic communication

The other side to the coin is how she responds to your ain body language.

While most guys focus on what they're saying to a girl, few pay plenty attending to their body language.

And this is a big mistake.

Because women are highly tuned into the signals a man'due south body is giving off. And if your torso linguistic communication is giving off the right signals, she'll more probable than not respond with an emphatic 'yeah' to you.

Let'south face it: Being good looking and in shape tin can be helpful when it comes to women.

However, much more than of import is the signals y'all convey to them. Because it doesn't matter what you lot look similar or how wealthy you are…

…if you're short, fat, bald, or stupid.

Whatever human can learn some simple body linguistic communication techniques that force women to see you equally more than a friend.

Spotter this first-class complimentary video past Kate Spring.

Kate's a relationship expert who helped me meliorate my own trunk linguistic communication effectually women.

In this free video, she gives y'all several body language techniques similar this guaranteed to help you better attract women.

Hither's a link to the video again.

three) She's nervous around you for no reason

Manifestly, she could be nervous for a reason yous aren't aware of, too, but if she seems to exist nervous around you for no reason in a giddy, excited kind of fashion and so you might exist on more than simply her friend radar.

What used to be a relaxing day at the park has become her laughing awkwardly and catching her breath when you turn to look at her.

She giggles nervously and touches your arm when yous make a joke in a way that a daughter would who has romantic feelings.

These are big signs. She wouldn't be nervous around you if you were simply a friend.

four) She butters you up

If she's hitting you with thoughtful compliments left and correct you could be prepare to hop aboard Steampship Sexytime. Or she could be just a good friend who wants to boost you lot up.

How to tell the departure?

If she's complimenting yous on your appearance and everyday actions y'all do for her so she's indicating clear romantic involvement.

If she only uses the "atta boy" tone it'due south a friend compliment.

I'll trust y'all to be able to tell the difference.

5) She showers you lot with flirtatious attention, then withdraws

In other words, she plays hot and cold, going later you difficult ane day with all sorts of flirtatious behavior and then pulling back cooly and acting similar just a casual friend the next twenty-four hour period.

You lot offset to think you did something wrong or p*ssed her off.

But no, you're only along for the rollicking ride on the Beloved Loop rollercoaster.

What should you do?

Be interested, but stay absurd. Don't be an overeager Evan (no offense to any Evans in the crowd) and jump at whatever romantic attention she gives you, as that volition lower your value in her eyes.

The best matter you lot can do is to pull away a bit yourself.

It's a psychological fact that when we fear nosotros're going to lose something, we want it 10x more than.

This is where "squeamish guys" become it then wrong. Women have no "fear of loss" with a dainty guy… and that makes them pretty unattractive.

If you desire your daughter to become obsessed with you, then check out this excellent free video.

What you'll larn in this video isn't exactly pretty — only neither is love.

6) She's focused on you and touches you a lot

If your female friend touches you a lot and always seems to talk to you even when y'all're in a grouping so she is probably into yous.

She may oftentimes crash-land your arm or side by mistake.

Or slide up closer to you when you sit down on a bench or in the motorcar.

She might even rest her head on your shoulder now and and so. Ding ding, you lot have just won the love lottery. Stroke her pilus and return the favor.

7) She's dressed to the nines (with you in heed)

Your female friend may have a loftier sense of style unremarkably, merely if y'all observe she's been dressed to the nines lately then at that place's a adept chance she has you in mind.

When you come to the door or pick her up and you tin tell she's chosen an extra-sexy top or hip-hugging jeans that get your mojo going … it's probably not in your imagination.

Don't read as well far into this tip, though. A woman has every right to look amazing without inviting her friend to striking on her.

Just combined together with the other tips in this list it's a definite sign.

8) Her schedule is busy, but it always seems open for you

If your friend is decorated merely always seems to have time for you information technology could be a sign that you've crossed the bridge from Friendship Field onto Romance Road.

She may merely want to spend more than time with you because you're a good pal.

Merely there'southward a good possibility it's because she's starting to crave your presence and attention in more than just a friendly way.

Does she text y'all upwardly out of the blue to encounter up? Want to know what you lot're doing frequently? Prioritize seeing you lot on her decorated schedule?

Just friends may exist going out the window, friend.

9) She's your biggest backer

Whether you're having an consequence at piece of work or a fight with your friends, this girl has your back.

She sticks up for you passionately and really seems to see your side, even on complicated, emotional issues.

She's your biggest cheerleader and she fights like a lion for your interests. It's kind of heartwarming.

And it's also the behavior of a woman in love.

ten) She teases y'all in a playful, flirtatious way

There's friend teasing and so at that place's more than-than-friend teasing. If she's teasing yous in a flirtatious fashion, giving yous nicknames and playfully caressing you in various means and so she likes y'all.

A girl knows how to show that she'southward attracted.

And if you're smart you'll know how to read her signals. Similar this 1.

11) She tries to go your attention much more than than a friend would

One of the most common things people practice when they similar someone is endeavour to get their attention.

Sometimes they overdo information technology and drive away the object of their affection, but other times it works and the person realizes they are the recipient of a crush.

If you desire to be that person then open up your eyes.

Is she seeking your attention, brushing a bit closer to you when she passes past, giving you flirtatious, meaningful looks?

Does she ask y'all lots of questions and frequently endeavor to get you involved? She's probably head over heels for you.

12) She looks dazed and confused

She tin can't seem to concentrate – especially around you – and she looks dazed and confused in general.

Her caput (heart) is in the clouds and she seems happy but unfocused.

The barista has to say her proper noun twice at the cafe when her Pumpkin Spice Latte is ready because she'south dreamily staring at you lot.

Come on, my friend, she wants to be more than friends.

thirteen) She hovers on your social networks like crazy

If she's into you she'south going to exist following everything you mail on social networks similar a hawk.

Liking, loving, clicking, commenting, mentioning in conversation: that'll exist her.

She might approach the level of borderline stalker, and if information technology makes you lot experience you lot demand a scrap of virtual space don't exist afraid to tell her. But otherwise soak up the attention and allow the posts and photos wing (don't try to make her intentionally jealous past posting you with other girls, though, that's merely immature and passive-aggressive).

Peculiarly if you post a photo of you and her she'll do everything she can to amplify and share it online and talk to you nearly it a lot.

"That was such a bang-up photo, wasn't it? Best day ever."

It could be fifty-fifty better one time she'south your girlfriend.

14) Her face looks dissimilar

I hateful literally different. As in she's wearing extra or dissimilar make-upwards.

She's doing what a lot of girls practise when they are into a guy: trying to catch his attention and heart with that subtle shade of new eye shadow, that extra rouge on her cheeks.

Is it working?

Well the offset stride is to notice. She likely didn't touch up her mascara for 45 minutes before your "friend date" to watch the latest Will Ferrell moving-picture show just because you're such a proficient buddy.

Take a hint.

xv) You take suddenly become a world-famous comedian (in her eyes)

She is laughing at your jokes like yous are now a world-famous comedian. She is slapping her knees and howling.

She chuckles at even the stupidest jokes you make, ones that even y'all wouldn't laugh at.

What'due south going on?

Well, indications are that romance is beginning to bloom and there'due south just a adventure that she wants to tickle more than than your funny bone.

If you feel the same then sit down back and relish in the appreciation. You lot're a funny man, man (to her).

16) She's twirling her hair with stars in her optics

Playing with her hair, like I mentioned above, can exist a big ane. It indicates a bit of nervousness and potential romantic interest.

When she's looking at you lot endeavor to notice if she tugs and twists but a little bit actress.

That's a sign of yous pulling at her heartstrings and the depths of her desire welling up inside her.

Plus, doesn't her hair look astonishing in the September sun? Winning.

17) She wants to intensify the friendship

This sign tin can be a bit disorienting because information technology's easy to misinterpret.

Sometimes your female friend will want to deepen and intensify your existing friendship. She won't "make a move" or tell you she'south into you, but she'll seek you out more often, want to have deeper conversations and want to become your opinion on everything.

There are various reasons for this, only a common one is that she wants to exist a couple with you merely she's doing it by just trying to push the accelerator on the friendship until information technology automatically gears up into love.

Sometimes it works, so don't exist afraid to join her as a co-pilot and let her know how you feel.

18) She's blowing up your telephone

When she'south into you as more than than a friend she will blow upward your phone.

With texts, with calls, with game invites – yous name it.

She'll say adept morning and proficient night with cute little wink faces all over and she'll lavish attention on you like the Sultan of Siam.

Is this friend behavior or something a fiddling next level?

Well, remember about it. When you text a girl constantly and desire her approval and attention is it because you feel extra friendly toward her? Probably not.

xix) She avoids eye contact or acts weird when she makes middle contact

Eye contact is one of the keys to romance. Sort of the starting ignition to the engine of love.

When she's having feelings for you that are more than just friend vibes she may be uncomfortable looking you in the eye for long.

Or giggle nervously when she does.

Or make eye contact and draw in her jiff sharply in a weird way and so express mirth it off as a cough or something.

The contrary is true if she's accepted her feelings for you and wants to see if you experience the aforementioned, in which case she will seek out prolonged center contact to see if yous're on board the dear train also.

20) She becomes protective of you and shoos other women away

If she's into y'all beyond the friend level you may notice signs of protectiveness and jealousy.

When you lot tell her nearly some other girl she'll express mirth in a style that tries to be easygoing only isn't. You'll be able to tell.

When other girls are hanging out with you in public she'll pull you bated and get your attending, she'll want to have center-to-hearts with you all the fourth dimension.

You might even notice her casting less-than-pleased glances at the women taking up your infinite, lighting upwardly like a glowing goddess when you lot turn her way and deflating when you give your time and energy to other girls.

This gal is trying to stake her claim, you can exist sure of it.

21) Read her lips

If she's licking her lips and touching them ofttimes or even puckering them a lot with that new fetching shade of makeup she's probably either preparing for a date with a guy she's really into or she's on it now (with you lot).

Lips are a very erogenous zone (hello, kissing) and when she is bitter, licking and doing a lot with her lips it is quite possibly considering she wants to be feeling your lips on hers.

22) She blanks yous out

Wait, is this a typo? I know, I simply wrote how she'll shower yous with attention, texts and all sorts of amore if she's into you lot.

But sometimes your friend will also bare you out and ignore y'all. She'll fifty-fifty do intentionally annoying things or "pout" in various ways.

What'due south the bargain?

Chances are she's throwing a piffling protestation and seeing if you'll notice. Because she wants more than: she wants your love.

23) She becomes your dating double-decker

If your female friend is suddenly super curious most your love life and trying to decipher your dating life and give you all sorts of romantic advice it's a archetype sign that she's into you.

Haven't yous seen whatsoever 1980s romantic comedies?

She coaches yous about what'south no working out and why you lot're not finding the correct girl for y'all until – surprise, surprise – one moonlit night she plants a devastating kiss right on your lips.

Y'all've been warned.

24) She tin can't fight the feeling anymore

Reo Speedwagon sang about it, and she's experiencing it. She only can't fight the feeling anymore.

She's a fool in beloved and when she's effectually your mutual friends or in a group she behaves exactly how a woman with a large beat out would comport.

She makes puppy eyes over you, brushes your arm, talks about you, asks your opinions. She's yous, you, you lot, whenever you're out.

Ask her out already.

25) She uses an emissary

If she's shy or feels unsure almost how you might respond, a female person friend who likes you lot may employ an emissary.

What I hateful past this is that you will exist minding your own sweet business one solar day when a friend of hers messages, calls y'all up or "bumps into you lot" outside work or in a place you oft go.

She'll ask yous what you lot call up about your friend, she might ask if you think you lot could have romantic feelings for your friend?

Information technology's best to be completely honest. This is basically your friend telling you "hey, I really similar you and I'chiliad using my friend to ask if you feel the same."

Proceed appropriately.

26) She has a Ph. D in everything near you

When your friend is into you lot she will become an expert on you.

Did yous comb your hair differently, purchase a new t-shirt, play a new way of music in the car?

She'll notice, comment and compliment. She will seem to know more than near your life and its details than even you lot exercise.

She wants to shift into love gear, you lot can bank on that.

Now if you've decided that she does like your more than than a friend, then you've got some thinking to do.

Below we'll get over what you can exercise if she comes out and says she likes you.

If you're reading this, chances are this girl is someone you lot're pretty interested in likewise, so your next move is important.

You neither want to scare her off nor brand her recollect you don't care — both of which can happen if you don't tread carefully.

I'll give y'all 5 key tips for handling what to do if a girl says she likes you. Apply these to present merely the right amount of confidence, charm, and attention.

What practice if she says she likes you? 5 important tips

one. Hold dorsum from showing likewise much interest.

There'southward a bizarre thing going on with women. While they all profess to want men who fawn over them and give them endless attention, they actually desire a challenge.

They desire you to play hard to get. To them, it'south hot.

Trust me, I'm a woman, and I know. It's how I feel. Information technology's also how all my girlfriends experience.

As presently as a guy starts showing too much involvement, it becomes ho-hum.

When women exit for the evening, we primp and preen the perfect amounts to set up ourselves to flirt with guys. We know what men want, and we know exactly how to become those same men to follow us around similar a lilliputian lost dog.

It'southward easy.

Merely we don't want easy.

For this reason, you should take the phrase "I like yous" with a grain of salt. See it as a claiming. She'southward basically wearing her heart on her sleeve, but she doesn't necessarily want you to clothing your heart on yours.

Yous need to be a bit stand-offish. But at the same time, you need to remain only interested enough and so that she doesn't lose hope with y'all.

2. Apply confidence to make her desire you.

Worried near your crooked smile? Concerned you wore too much cologne? Non sure if she digs your outfit? Wish you weighed about 10 lbs. less?

Perhaps y'all're insecure nigh your job or worried your car or flat isn't nice enough for her.

Forget all of this.

Sure, you demand to have practiced general hygiene. Just all y'all really demand to attract her isconviction.

Y'all've probably heard this a meg times before: "Confidence is fundamental." "All that really matters is confidence."

But have you actually internalized it? Do you actually know what it really means?

This is the bespeak: The men who have the almost confidence, and are therefore the well-nigh attractive to women, do not have the nicest cars, the coolest apartments, or the best jobs. They probably have some concrete flaws, and they may fifty-fifty be a bit overweight.

None of this stuff matters to women.

What matters is how you feel about yourself. When information technology comes to conviction, nigh men fail because they call up that no one tin tell how you feel virtually yourself. It's internal, right?


It's obvious when someone lacks cocky-esteem. They have it written all over themselves — in how they apparel, walk, talk, smile, and laugh.

Don't be the guy who doesn't have conviction. There's no manner y'all'll go anywhere with this daughter if yous can't harness your ain cocky-worth.

3. Stay abroad from the friend zone.

I'll only say this once: If you're non already "friends," do not enter the friend zone. While information technology occasionally may happen that friends can move on to become romantic partners, y'all tin can normally think of friendship as a dead end street when information technology comes to sex and existent relationships.

This is unremarkably what happens:

  • You call back that taking the strong male lead and ushering her into a romantic relationship is rude.
  • "Making a move" seems pushy to you lot.
  • You want things to "progress naturally."

Well, I've got news for you: Information technology own't gonna happen that fashion.

You lot and only you are going to plough this acquaintance into a sexual relationship. If y'all don't keep up the sexual tension and flirtation in this connection, she's going to commencement thinking of you every bit a friend just.

4. Use these tricks to build sexual excitement and tension.

You're the human. Information technology'south upwardly to you to create and continue sexual tension in this connectedness. Do these small flirtatious things that pique her sexual interest:

  • Touch her arm or hand as you talk together
  • Touch her hand
  • Wink at her
  • Buy her drinks
  • Open the door for her
  • Help her down from a stool or across a puddle by taking her hand
  • Tell her she looks bang-up in her [clothes/blouse/heels]

You also want to play to her inner female person arousal center. This is an innate need that women accept to crush out the contest and win the best male. Women are extremely competitive.

Yous need to exist the best male, so that she can "win" you lot. And to do that, yous need to set up situations in which other women appear to want you.

You tin do this in these ways:

  • Be in places where you know a few women (work, a restaurant, etc.) and she can run across you interacting with them.
  • Don't avoid interacting with other women considering yous don't want to transport mixed signals. She wants to run across you lightly flirting with other women because information technology turns her on.
  • Tell brief stories most other women — female friends. Something like "I had coffee with my friend Stacy over the weekend, and …"

Practise all of these things while continuing with the small flirtations that will arouse her (touching her arm, winking at her, etc.)

5. Be directly.

Any yous practice, don't beat effectually the bush.

You will admittedly lose this daughter if you don't act now. Imagine existence in her state of affairs: Y'all've just told a girl you like her, and now she's hot and cold, and information technology's hard to tell if she'south even sexually interested in you at all.

No i wants that.

Be forthright in letting her know that you lot are interested besides. If you lot don't practice this, she's going to move on to someone else and either put you in the friend zone or driblet y'all altogether.

Strike while the iron is hot. The iron is hot now.

How to Answer When a Daughter Says She Likes Yous Over Text

If a girl say she likes you over text, information technology usually ways she's a bit shy because she was unable to tell you in person.

There are a few key things to keep in mind with "I like you" texts:

Late night weekend texts

If she'due south texting you that she likes yous at 1:30am on a Saturday night, you lot can probably assume she'southward out having a good time with friends and perhaps enjoying a few drinks. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. They don't telephone call it "liquid courage" for nothing, afterwards all.

Information technology'southward possible she's been discussing y'all with her girlfriends. Either she or they came upwardly with the grand idea to text you. In the globe of girls, this is practiced. Use the tips above to answer, but be a bit more playful as that's what she's wanting.

An "I like you lot" text subsequently y'all've been texting dorsum and forth for a long time

This of grade means she'southward actually into you and wants to motility forward. She'south enjoyed flirting with you, and she wants to take things to the next level. Use the tips above to respond.

An "I like you" text out of the blue from a good friend

This ane'south a bit trickier. Sometimes an old friend who'southward always been platonic will finally decide they've waited long enough and will confess their love (like) to you.

When this happens, utilize the tips above, but recollect that this is a friendship yous value. If you determine to create a romantic relationship, therefore, become slowly then that you lot don't ruin the friendship.

Be the Leading Homo in Your Story

Having a girl tell y'all she likes you should feel exciting. Even if you don't accept the aforementioned feelings for her, you should experience expert that someone is going out on a limb and professing their interest in you.

But at present the adjacent motility is upwards to you.

If decide to motility forward because you lot're interested too, don't trounce around the bush. Be the leading homo, and have conviction. If you lot don't strike at present, you may lose your chance forever.

That first kiss is right effectually the corner, and you lot definitely don't want to miss information technology.

Final thoughts

Friendship is valuable and deep friendship can be rare. Nonetheless, if yous're feeling romantically about your female friend it is all-time to be sincere near how you feel and open up. Fifty-fifty if she doesn't experience the aforementioned she will respect that you've opened up to her and been dauntless about it.

The truth is that dearest is psychological and if you desire her to dearest yous then yous need to play the game a niggling.

Something a little sneaky, merely extremely effective, is to add a bit of ambiguity to your relationship. Girls honey drama, so sometimes human activity (a piffling) common cold or distant and message her (a fiddling) less than you usually do.


Information technology's a psychological fact that when we fear we're going to lose something, we want it 10x more.

Humans detest losing shit. And when it comes to dear, women are absolutely no exception.

I learnt this from my favorite relationship expert, Bobbi Rio.

If you desire your girl to become obsessed with you lot, then watch his latest free video here. What yous'll larn in this video isn't exactly pretty — only neither is love.

Disclosure: This post is brought to yous by the Hack Spirit review team. In our reviews, Hack Spirit highlights products and services that you might find interesting. If you buy them, we receive a small commission from that sale. However, we simply always recommend products that we take personally investigated and truly feel could exist valuable to you. Read our chapter disclosure here. We welcome your feedback at [email protected].

Complimentary eBook: The Female Mind Command Handbook

Let'due south face up it: Being skilful looking tin can be helpful when it comes to women.

However, much more important is how you lot behave yourself effectually them. Because it doesn't matter what you wait like or how wealthy you are…

…if you lot're short, fat, bald, or stupid.

Any human can larn some simple techniques that tap into the central desires of women.

If you want to learn exactly what they are, cheque out Kate Spring's Complimentary eBook hither.

Kate reveals the most effective method I've meet to attract women and make them yours.

Here's a link to the free eBook again.

Check information technology out hither.

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